
  • Jonathan Josué Vázquez Pérez Estudiante de Maestría en Ciencias en Enfermería de la Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Celaya Salvatierra.
  • José Manuel Herrera Paredes Profesor Del Departamento de enfermería y obstetricia de la Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Celaya Salvatierra.



Young Mexicans, Sexual Health, Bibliographical Review


Introduction; the sexual health has become a topic of interest in the epidemiological panorama have reported alterations in health indicators, mainly in the population group of young people. In spite of the many investigations and interventions carried out in this area, there is still an alteration in the indicators. Nursing from its objective as a discipline seeks to provide comprehensive care to the sexual health of this population group.

Objective; to identify the different types of studies and interventions that have been carried out in the thematic of the sexual health of young Mexicans.

Development; Those quantitative and qualitative articles that were not more than five years of publication were considered, that the subjects of study were young, published in Spanish and English, that were original investigations and of free access within the databases SciELO, BVS Pudmed, EBSCO and SCOPUS. The universe was 45, 419 articles, after the filters were 239 articles of which 29 complied with the characteristics for inclusion.

Conclusions; There is a need to develop targeted interventions for young Mexicans integrating all dimensions of sexual health, especially sexual rights. Nursing needs to expand the scientific dissemination of its research in high impact journals.


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