
  • Sung Jang Chung Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System, Morristown, Tennessee, USA



Computer program, Calcline, Probacent formula, Formula of mortality, Formula of convulsion, Drug tolerance, electroshock, Apple computer


 Calcline computer program is applied to construct the author's 'probacent' formulas with use of Apple computer, MacBook that express the mathematical relationship among the drug dose of Metrazol, the time after administration and the percentage of mortality or among the voltage of electroshock, the duration and the percentage of occurrence of convulsion in mice. Analysis of the actual and the computer-assisted predicted mortality or percentage of occurrence of convulsion in mice has shown a remarkable agreement and a fair accuracy (p>0.995 in chi square goodness-of-fit test). The method how to construct the 'probacent' formula in biomedical research is described in detail in this study.


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