Mindfulness, MBSR, MBT-I, insomnia, sleep disturbanceAbstract
Background: Sleep disturbance is a growing medical and public health concern with insomnia increasing worldwide. In addition to exacerbating health problems, insomnia may increase psychological vulnerability and proneness to accidents this is a mini narrative review as to the evidence regarding the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in the treatment of sleep disturbances such as insomnia in clinical populations.
Method: A search of medical, health, and psychological databases was conducted for mindfulnessbased therapies and intervention variants thereof in the treatment of terms that included: mindfulness-based interventions, mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), mindfulness therapies or treatments AND sleep disturbance, insomnia, poor sleep quality, or sleep disorder.
Results: Standard protocol mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) interventions and the specific mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia (MBT-I) have been investigated as potential nonpharmacologic treatments for insomnia and sleep disturbance in clinical populations. Additionally, randomized controlled clinical trials have been conducted in this area to determine efficacy of such mindfulness treatment strategies.
Conclusion: Accumulating data indicate that mindfulness treatment protocols produce significant sleep outcome benefits with long-term follow-up duration.
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