Computer Program, Calcline, UBASIC, 'Probacent'-Probability Equation, Statistics, Radiation Safety, Space Flight to Mars, Ultron-Logotron Theory, Probacent FormulaAbstract
Marked variations are generally found in percentages of response occurring in human subjects and other living organisms exposed to external stressors, depending upon intensity of stressor, duration of exposure and individual sensitivity in biological phenomena. A clear and exact quantitative mathematical relationship among these three factors namely, intensity of stressor, duration of exposure and percentage of occurrence of response in biological phenomena such as human tolerance to total body irradiation is not known. The author proposed a general mathematical formula of 'probacent'-probability equation on the basis of results from animal experiments, clinical data reported in the literature, and theoretical reasoning that approximately expresses the relationship among the three factors. For calculation of the 'probacent'-probability equation, UBASIC program was primarily used in researches in various biomedical phenomena, employing Compaq Presario Windows 95 during a period of 23 years from 1995 to 2017. In this study, a possibility of use of Apple computer (OS-X) for mathematical calculation of the 'probacent'-probability equation was examined. Calcline and UBASIC programs were applied to computer computation of the author's previous publication, " Computer-assisted formulas predicting radiation-exposure-induced-cancer risk in interplanetary travelers: Radiation safety for astronauts in space flight to Mars" and compared with regard to accuracy and applicability in computer computation. Calcline program is found to be usable in place of UBASIC on Apple computer, MacBook. Similarity and difference between Calcline and UBASIC are presented.
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