
  • Dr. Ruchita Vasudeva Associate Professor and Vice-principal, Dasmesh College of Physiotherapy, Faridkot, Punjab, India.
  • Dr. Ruchita Vasudeva Prof. and Head, Department of Physiology, Dasmesh Institute of Research and Dental Science, Faridkot, Punjab, India




CABG, post CABG cardiac rehabilitation, phase I cardiac rehabilitation,, quality of life


Coronary  artery  bypass  grafting  (CABG)  is  one  of  the  most  frequently  performed surgical procedures. Supervised exercise program has been recommended to facilitate recovery immediately after surgery. Cardiac rehabilitation services are administered in 3 phases of which Phase I mean the immediate post-operative period in an acute care hospital. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the effect of the phase I CR on post CABG patients. 30 post CABG patients were taken, which were divided into control and experimental groups of 15 patients each. The patients were free from post-operative complications and medically stable. The SF36 is a widely used valid generic health related QOL questionnaire. It was used to assess the patients after phase I CR. The major domain of the physical component of the health in SF36 comprised of PF, BP, RP and GH. The experimental group scored higher in all these components except BP. The mental health component included vitality, social function, role emotional and mental health. When physical component score and mental component scores in both groups  were  compared,  the  difference  was  found  to  be  significant  in  favour  of  the experimental  group  in  both  the  scores. In the present study, the incorporation of CR has not resulted in any post-operative complications over and above the control group. None of the patients of the exercise group developed any adverse effect during hospital stay.  This  indicates  the  protocol  used  in  the  study  is  feasible  and  safe  to  be  applied .Limitations of the study included a relative small sample size and lack of follow up.


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