
  • Gabriel Lajús Barrabeitg Doctor En Medicina. Doctor en Ciencias Médicas (PhD.). Especialista de 1º y 2º Gradoen Psiquiatría. Máster en Psiquiatría Social. Diplomado en Psicoterapia. Psicoterapeuta.Profesor de Análisis Transaccional Del East/Wind Institute de Canadá. Profesor Titular eInvestigador Titular de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana, Cuba.Profesor de Psiquiatría y Psicología Del Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Pre clínicas“Victoria de Girón”, Cuba.




concepts of drugs emergent, new substances psychoactive, club drugs, synthesis drugs, intelligent drugs


Introduction: The  world  of  the  drugs  is  in  constant  growth  and  transformation. They incorporate to those that have existed from remote times, more and new, but even more dangerous  and  more  addictive,  and  simultaneously  multiple  and  new  concepts  are formulated that hinder its demarcation and learning.

Objectives: To  debate  the  precision  of  the  main  concepts  on  emergent  or  equivalent drugs, emitted in the last 10 years and, to contain novel aspects of the reach.

Material and methods: It was made during the first semester of 2017, in Havana, Cuba, an orderly revision of information related with the concepts on emergent drugs and their reach,  by  means  of  electronic  searches  in  libraries  of  magazines  national  doctors  and indexed foreigners, as well as in texts, in the last 10 years. Development: When subjecting to the analysis these concepts, it was appreciated that they  were  restricted  and  imprecise  that  didn't  pay  to  the  prevention and  that could generate until confusion. One kept in mind the reach of the novelty of these substances, and when paying attention to the great quantity of compounds that were not contemplated in precedent definitions, it was emitted, for the author with integrative premeditation, one new.

Conclusions: Drugs  growth that  circulate  in  this  Century has  been  so  dynamic, enormous,  precipitate  and  excessively  quickly,  diverse for origin,  composition  and geographical unequal distribution that have been hindered its conceptualization, where the  new,  its  reach,  turns drugs riskier and unknowns ,also invasive and additives, that allowed to contribute a comprehensive as a new whole concept.


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