Study Objective: To analyze the learner – lecturer / instructor interaction process within the context of theory learned during training put into clinical / medical practice. This was in order to generate limitation in both the teaching institutions that address Clinical Medicine training outcomes.
Study Design: Across- sectional study
Study Setting: This study was carried out in Lake Basin Region of Kenya. The area includes Kisumu and its surrounding counties of Vihiga and Nandi.
Study Subjects / Participants: Sixty six (66) Clinical Medicine students from various MTIs in Lake Basin Region of Kenya, 58 health workers, 3 heads of departments from KMTCs, and 5 heads of departments in the clinical placement sites that was visited for this study and 4 lecturers of MTIs.
Study Results: Analysis from observations of student / lecturer / infrastructure / leadership / linkage engagements were obvious and more so the absence of libraries in all RHTCs. In both the county Hospital and the referral Hospital (JOOTRH) there were libraries which were inaccessible to Clinical Medicine students. There were linkages and networking processes in all the training health facilities that were used as clinical placement sites. This was evident in the many students who were present from different MTIs in Kenya. Students for clinical placements came from all MTIs in Kenya among who were all KMTCs, GLUK, Uzima University College, Mt Kenya University, Moi University and others. There were evident interactions in many ways both academically and socially, and with the presence of ICT services, these students were linked together nationally regionally and internationally
Study Conclusion: This study therefore provides a tool to guide MTIs and clinical placement sites in Kenya on the best practice in linking theory based learning with clinical practice in achieving quality, competent, effective, and efficient Clinical Medicine training outcomes.
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