Precocious puberty, premature thelarche, breast development, pubic ultrasound, hormonal testsAbstract
Introduction: Early puberty is a pathology known by the appearance of clinical signs of puberty before the age of 8 years for girls and 9 years for boys. In 90% of the cases, it’s a Central Precocious Puberty. It could be peripheral too. The precocious puberty etiologies are variable but it’s idiopathic in 90% of cases
Materials and Methods: retrospective descriptive study of three cases of precocious puberty admitted in pediatric endocrinology department (Pediatric II) in the Children’s Hospital of Rabat during 2018. The main elements studied were: the age, the sex, clinical symptoms of PP, hormonal tests, mammary and pelvic ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging of the hypothalamic pituitary axis, diagnosis elements, treatment and evolution.
Results: 3 girls aged respectively three, four and nine years old admitted for precocious puberty. The clinical examination finds a breast development and a pubic hair in a patient. Tanner stage at S3P1 in 2 patients and S3P2 in 1 patient. Pelvic ultrasound showed a pubertal uterus in two patients and prepubertal in one patient. The Decapeptyl test was performed in all 3 patients. The diagnosis of thelarche prematurity was made in one patient and the diagnosis of idiopathic central precocious puberty was made in the two other patients treated with Decapeptyl.
Conclusion: Early puberty is defined by the age of early onset of sexual characteristics that brings the paradox to a large size during childhood and a small adult size
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