Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate physical fitness and body posture in underweight children aged 6 years.
Methods: The study examined 883 children aged six years, including 438 girls and 445 boys. The BMI values were used to divide the study group into two subgroups of participants, with normal weight and those underweight. Physical fitness was evaluated using a test made of 5 tests. Body posture was examined using a visual assessment method for selected parameters of body posture.
Results: Compared to peers with normal BMI, underweight children obtained significantly poorer results in the following physical fitness tests: sit-and-reach (boys), standing long jump (boys), medicine ball throw (boys, girls). In terms of body posture, significant differences between the subgroups with reduced height-to-weight ratio were observed in shoulder and scapulae positions in the sagittal plane (girls and boys), degree of thoracic kyphosis (girls) and shape of cervical-acromial angles and waist triangles (boys) in the frontal plane. Furthermore, underweight children obtained significantly better results in convexity of abdominal wall and the axis of lower limbs (girls and boys).
Conclusions: Some positive and negative motor and postural effects of body weight deficiency were observed in children aged 6 years.
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