
  • Gyöngyvér Vámosiné Rovó University of Pécs Doctoral School of Health Sciences



nurse, healthcare system, human resources, depression, burnout


During our research, we were scrutinizing the health status of full-time healthcare workers. Following self-inventory inquiries, we posited the question that those who consider their health status bad had higher depression scores. In our survey, 66 female nurses and 5 male nurses participated; all hired by the Clinical Centers of Pécs. In this paper, the ‘SF-36 Quality of Life Questionnaire’ and answers to the ‘Beck Depression Questionnaire’ were analyzed. In the light of the results, it can be stated that the hypothesis has been justified. Healthcare workers are exposed to greater stress during their working life, which of has effects not only on their work, their performance, but also on their health. It can be declared that their health issues considerably effect their vitality. Lower vitality can result in lower productivity, higher absenteeism, and higher fluctuation. The depression scores of those who were in poor health condition were notably higher; consequently, their physical and mental state also had a contributing role in the development of their depression


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