
  • Dr Hemant Mankel MDS, Assistant professor in Dept. of Pedodontics YCDC Dental College Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
  • Dr charvi Gupta MDS, Assistant Professor in Dept. of conservative & Endodontics YCDC Dental College Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
  • Dr Akash Ghosh BDS, MDS (Oral Medicine and Radiology)



dental maturity, chronological age, Demirijan’s method


Introduction Accurate age estimation is required in the field of health sciences, as it is relevant to the timing of various treatment procedures. Differences in the development among children of the same chronological age have led to the concept of physiologic age as a means to define progress toward completeness of development or maturity in the individual child. The most common dental age estimation methods are Nolla &Demirjin’s.Demirijan’s being the more result oriented method of age estimation.

Aim and Objective: To evaluate the Dental age estimation using Demirijan’s 8 teeth method and 7 teeth method.

Materials and methods: The sample for the study consisted of 400 individuals aged between 618 years. The chronological age of the patient will be obtained by official birth certificate. Radiographic age estimation of the selected sample was done after analyzing Orthopantomographs using both Demirijan’s 7 teeth and 8 teeth method. The chronological age was then statistically compared with the results obtained by the radiographic age using SPSS v16 software.

Results: The estimation of dental age estimation using Demirijan’s 7 teeth method showed overestimation compare with Demirjian 8 teeth method.

Conclusion: Dental age estimation using Demiijan’s 8 teeth method reduces the margin of error in correctly estimating age


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