
  • Sawadogo S Contact: Mr Sawadogo Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel
  • Kissou S.A Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel
  • Kouldiati J Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel
  • Traoré -Sawadogo H Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel
  • Kafando E Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel
  • Nacro B Salifo Laboratoire d’hématologie département des laboratoires CHU Souro Sanou 01 BP 676 Bobo-Dioulasso 01 Burkina Faso Courriel




sickle cell disease, genetic variants at ɣ loci modifiers, Haplotypes, genotype β, SNPs, G6PD deficiency, UGTA1 mutations


Sickle cell disease is a monogenic disease with variables clinicals manifestations and various complications. This variability is related to the phenotype, the intracellular hemoglobin concentration, the importance of fetal hemoglobin, the quality of the Therapeutic outlet, and association with others pathologies: membrane abnormalities, G6PD’s deficiency, Gilbert ‘s disease etc. ...it is a prospective study of twelve major sickle cell disease affected children on hematological and genetic factors modulating the severity of their illness.


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