
  • Chahira Mazouzi
  • Malha Laoussati
  • Myriem Belloul
  • Ghozlane Kacher
  • Karim Layada
  • Radia Benyahia




implementation, analyzed, representing, Constantine, population


The implementation of the colorectal cancer screening strategy in the wilaya of Bejaïa as a national pilot region as part of the 2015-2019 cancer plan was spread over a period of 2 years and 2 months from January 2017 to February 2019 During this period, the results were collected, the results of which are analyzed in a specific manner of the cancers diagnosed and their macroscopic and microscopic characteristics; We detected 17 cancers in the eligible population (2685) for mass screening, representing a rate of 6‰ for colorectal cancer. The average age of people screened for colorectal cancer is 59.76 years +/- 8.2, a median of 57 years and a mode equal to 50 years.

The effectiveness indicators are particularly important for the evaluation of mass screening of this cancer, the analysis of our data of detected cancers is necessarily a criterion of effectiveness due to the importance of the diagnostic stages during this screening,

Author Biographies

Chahira Mazouzi

Medical oncology University/CHU of Bejaia

Malha Laoussati

Epidemiology University/CHU of Bejaia

Myriem Belloul

Gastroenterology University/CHU of Bejaia,

Ghozlane Kacher

Gastroenterology University/CHU of Bejaia

Karim Layada

Gastroenterology University/CHU Mustapha Algiers, Diagnostic radiology CPMC Algiers

Radia Benyahia

Gastroenterology University/CHU Mustapha Algiers, Diagnostic radiology CPMC Algiers


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