World Health Organization, presumptively, abnormality, colorectal cancer, populationAbstract
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), screening consists of presumptively identifying, using tests applied
in a systematic and standardized manner, subjects suffering from a previously past disease or abnormality. unnoticed.
Screening tests must make it possible to divide people who are apparently healthy but who are probably suffering from a
given disease or abnormality from those who are probably free from it, Four controlled population studies were carried
out in Europe to test the feasibility and effectiveness of mass screening for colorectal cancer: Nottingham (Great Britain),
Funen (Denmark), Burgundy (France) and Gothenburg (Sweden). . The first three studies included subjects aged 45 or
50 to 74 years old. The Hemoccult test was offered every 2 years to half of the target population, the other half served as
a control. The Swedish study, involving subjects aged 60 to 64, is of limited interest because the screening test was only
carried out twice with simple follow-up afterwards
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