
  • Nabila Maudy Salma
  • Ria Margiana
  • Ahmad Aulia Jusuf




brain regeneration, neuroprotection, axons, peripheral nervous system, protein folding, homeostasis


Damage to axons in the central and peripheral nervous systems (CNS and PNS) triggers complex biochemical responsesthatare essential for formulating successful recuperation plans. Chaperone proteins, which have a variety of post-injuryroles and responses, are important players in these processes. The purpose of this systematic review is to clarify the rolesof chaperone proteins in axonal regeneration and injury by combining data from fifty different studies. Notwithstandingthe disparities in research methodology among the studies, our analysis highlights the vital roles chaperone proteins playin maintaining cellular homeostasis, safeguarding neurons, and promoting regeneration after damage. Depending on thetype of damage, chaperones take on distinct roles that affect immunological responses, maintain protein integrity, andimprove neuroprotection. Despite methodologicaldifferences, this knowledge provides potential for customized treatmentinterventions and rehabilitation approaches for nerve injury. Our thorough analysis highlights the critical function thatchaperone proteins play in maintaining cellular homeostasis,protecting protein integrity, and offering neuroprotection.These adaptable chaperone proteins are essential for controlling immunological reactions, enabling protein folding,assisting with healing, and encouraging regeneration. Moreover, their impact onnerve healing and axonal regenerationis noteworthy, demonstrating their multifaceted and complex functions in brain regeneration and damage repair. Ourknowledge of the complex roles that chaperone proteins play in the setting of axonal injury and regeneration is improvedby this comprehensive review. Through the application of rigorous systematic review methodologies to synthesize existingmaterial, we have shown the vital role of these proteins in different aspects of nerve healing. This information opens newfields of inquiry into the role of chaperone proteins in neuron regeneration and post-injury repair, as well as opportunities
for focused therapeutic uses and future study.

Author Biographies

Nabila Maudy Salma

Master’s Program in Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia

Ria Margiana

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia

Ahmad Aulia Jusuf

Department of Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia


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