
  • AL Mogrin, Maha Mohammed Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Khleb, Aseel Abdulziz Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Shehri, Bshayer Mohammed Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Shreeaf, Khalid Abdulrahman Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Busaysi, Khaled Farhan Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Rashidi, Ahmed Mueallath Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs
  • Al Harbi, Abdulmohsen Hamdan Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs




Pharmaceutical care, patient-centered, Medication Therapy Management, collaborative care, technology integration, pharmacists.


The evolution of pharmaceutical care services has undergone a significant transformation, shifting from a product-focused approach to a patient-centered model. This article explores the historical development, patient-centered approach, Medication Therapy Management (MTM) programs, collaborative care, technological integration, challenges, and future directions in pharmaceutical care services. Pharmacists now play a pivotal role in optimizing medication therapy, conducting comprehensive assessments, and working collaboratively with healthcare providers. Advancements in technology, such as electronic health records and automated systems, have further enhanced the quality of care provided. Despite challenges related to reimbursement and scope of practice, the trajectory of pharmaceutical care services is moving toward greater recognition and integration within healthcare systems.


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