
  • Abdullah Salim Alanazi
  • Hind Zabn Alenazi Ministry of National guard health affairs, Saudi Arabia,
  • Noor Falah Alenezi
  • Hanady Farhan Aldidab Ministry of National guard health affairs, Saudi Arabia,
  • Haya Knaider Alruwaili Ministry of National guard health affairs, Saudi Arabia,



service quality, medical clinics,, healthcare, staff competence, communication, waiting times, facilities, patient involvement, organizational culture, patient satisfaction


This study investigates the factors influencing the enhancement of service quality in medical clinics. By examining the dimensions of service quality in healthcare, such as staff competence, communication, waiting times, facilities, and patient involvement, the study aims to provide insights into improving service quality in this context. The research utilizes a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze data collected from surveys, interviews, and observations. The findings highlight the significance of factors such as staff competence, effective communication, reduced waiting times, adequate facilities, patient involvement, and organizational culture in enhancing service quality in medical clinics. These findings have implications for healthcare organizations aiming to improve service quality and patient satisfaction.


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