
  • Ayyub Mohammad F. Alwehaibi PhD Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the United States



Medical error, Patient safety, Organizational behavior


In modern society, medicine is one of the domains that have to face great challenges in many aspects. The major challenge in terms of quality in health care is the safety for patients. Besides the negative consequences caused by serious conditions of the diseases, many harmful occurrences are avoidable. The occurrence of avoidable harms sometimes deprive patients’ lives or abilities, which has created great fear for patients of being at risk more than in help.

Such avoidable harms may be resulted by the healthcare professionals’ knowledge, skills, or behaviors. These harms may be caused by either human errors or violations. To prevent these errors from occurring in the future, some measurements need to be enforced on organizational level. Medical errors are unavoidable in every clinical unit as medicine is practiced by human, and human beings are not free from making mistakes. Yet, it does not mean that it is impossible to remedy the issue of medical error. Confronting the mistakes made by individuals are the organizations they work within. Organizations represent their individuals and play substantial roles of not only seeking for the solutions to the incidents but also preventing such incidents from re-occurring in the future. There are two important notions- human error and violations- which thoroughly influence on the strategies of management of unintended adverse incidents


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