
  • Mohamed Ali GLITI Resident physician in otorhinolaryngology, department of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, ibn sina university hospital, rabat, morocco.
  • Niema Benkhraba Professor of otorhinolaryngology, department of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, ibn sina university hospital, rabat, morocco.
  • Sophia Nitassi Professor of otorhinolaryngology, department of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, ibn sina university hospital, rabat, morocco.
  • Bencheikh Razika Faculty of medicine and pharmacy of rabat, Mohammed V University, rabat, morocco.
  • Benbouzid Mohamed Anas Faculty of medicine and pharmacy of rabat, Mohammed V University, rabat, morocco.
  • Abdelilah Oujilal Faculty of medicine and pharmacy of rabat, Mohammed V University, rabat, morocco.
  • Leila Essakalli Houssyni Faculty of medicine and pharmacy of rabat, Mohammed V University, rabat, morocco.



Pneumo sinus dilatans, sinusitis, osteoporosis


 Frontal sinuses that present with abnormally large size are often clinically described as a deformity of the forehead, caused by Pneumosinus dilatans (PD). We report a rare case of Pneumosinus dilatans frontalis which was accidentally discovered by a paranasal sinus CT scan requested following frontal headaches, and thus revealing diffuse osteoporosis. Pneumosinus dilatans is often an unexpected radiological finding; however, in most cases, it is diagnosed by recognition of a frontal deformity.


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