Otomycosis, fungi, ear diseases, enzymes, otitisAbstract
The prevalence and distribution of fungi involved in otomycosis in children of primary school at Taiz city were studied using two types of isolation media. The obtained results revealed the confirmation of fungal otomycosis in 76. 7 % of suspected patients. Ear infection in relation to age the results showed that the group with age between 10- 15 years were highly infected with fungi and the female patients were more affected than male. Patients with excellent and good healthy state were less infected. Also, the majority of ear infection were found in children of poor occupation and decreased with raising of the family occupation and disappeared in rich families. On the other hands, there are no relationship between ear infection and the level of family education.
Twelve species and one variety belonging to 5 genera were isolated from 60 children patients on Czapeck,s and Sabouraud,s dextrose agar at 28°C. Members of Aspergillus were the most prevalent. From the genus 8 species were identified of which A. niger, A. sydowii and A. versicolor were the most predominant. The second incidence fungi in children ears was represented by Penicillium. The other 3 genera identified, represented each by one species, wereisolated in less frequency of occurrence at least on one isolation medium.
About 17 isolates appertaining to 10 species related to 5 genera were tested for their abilities to produce lipase and protease enzymes on solid medium. The results indicated that 12 isolates could produce the two enzymes.
Isolates related to A. flavus, A. niger, A. sydowii, Penicillium sp. were the most producers for lipase and protease enzymes. Thus, critical diagnosis of the causative agent by employing aseptic and proper culture techniques and susceptibility testing for proper treatment of this disease is the need of the hour.
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