Eclampsia, Severe preeclampsia, Magnesium sulphate, ManagementAbstract
Introduction: Preeclampsia is a major cause of maternal and newborn morbi-mortality mostly through eclampsia and its complications. Magnesium sulphate is now approved to prevent eclamptic seizures. Our survey is aimed at showing the benefits and risks of its use in the management of severe preeclampsia.
Methods: A prospective and descriptive study was led for nine months from April to December 2016 at CHUGOB about 90 severe preeclamptic women up to 28 weeks of gestation with imminent eclampsia and/or decision of delivery (or in labor); treated by magnesium sulphate before, during and/or after delivery.
Results: The prevalence of this pathology was 1, 9%. It occurred before 37 weeks of gestation in 62, 22% of the cases, with middle age of 28, 89 years old. Systolic arterial blood pressure was greater than 160 mmHg (92, 22%), accompanied by significant proteinuria (61, 11%), and clinical signs of imminent eclampsia (65, 56%). Fifty five of them (61, 11%) needed antihypertensive therapy. The mainly side effects were minor (feeling of warmth in 54, 44%). There were six overdoses which regressed when treatment was stopped and calcium gluconate administered. No patients had eclampsia nor death. The newborn morbi-mortality hadn’t been affected.
Conclusion: Magnesium sulphate is effective especially in imminent eclampsia. The benefits from its use were above the risks for the mother and her baby with rigorous clinic follow up.
We recommend it.
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