
  • Sesi Collins Akotey University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
  • Geoffrey K. Amedofu Korlebu Teaching Hospital, Korlebu, Accra
  • Samuel Anim-Sampong University of Ghana, School of Biomedical Sciences and Allied Health, Legon.
  • Samuel K. Hayford University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
  • Yaw Nyadu Offei University of Education, Winneba, Ghana



Auditory brainstem response, waves, intensity, normative, latency


The aim of the study was to create an in-house normative data for neurodiagnostic auditory brainstem response test for the Korlebu Teaching Hospital Hearing Assessment Center, to enable the Centre to provide a comparative standard for making informed diagnostic decisions about patients’ auditory function using the Intelligent Hearing System (IHSSEP). A purposive sample of 25 females aged between 18-35 years with normal hearing thresholds were selected for the study. Data was analyzed using one sample independent t-test, mean, and standard deviation with the statistical significance set to p<0.05 to determine how the clinical norms compared with the manufacturer’s norm. Results showed that the absolute latencies generated by the study varied slightly from the IHSSEP norms. However, the variations emanated from the testing environment, the protocol used, and the software specifications of the testing equipment rather than pathological conditions from the participants. Besides, the norm data fulfilled the requirement of the upper and lower limits allowable for norm data to be considered as appropriate - thus a ±2 SD. It was concluded that the norms values were appropriate to use in testing and estimating hearing sensitivity at Korlebu Teaching Hospital Hearing Assessment Centre taking into account the clinical conditions and the varying parameters of the testing equipment.


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