The aim of our study is to present the results of a screening program for 401 patients in relation to chronic kidney disease and diabetes, shading new light on managing these pathologies and bringing into discussion the use of innovative analytical tools. The whole group of patients has been divided in two sub-groups: one presenting diabetes (204 subjects) and the other one with no diabetes (197 subjects). All subjects have been investigated via the following categories of parameters: (i) General health parameters: high blood pressure, overweight and obesity, kidney disorders, dyslipidemia, lower limb peripheral arteriopathies, cardiac disorders, endocrinologic disorders, hepatic steatosis, pancreatic disorders and (ii) Biological parameters: glycaemia, glycated haemoglobin - HbA1c, cholesterol-total, cholesterol- HDL, cholesterol-LDL, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, uric acid, glomerular filtration rate, total lipids, albumin, C Cystatin. In addition to these, if the case, psychological assistance has been be provided. All collected data for the two sub-groups of patients have been presented and critically analyzed. Furthermore, several correlations between various sets of variables have been proposed, setting up favorable initial conditions for developing an integrated model for managing these pathologies.
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