
  • N.Al Kadaoui Pediatric emergencies department Children Hospital in Rabat
  • N.Mekkaoui Pediatric emergencies department Children Hospital in Rabat



Stay short Unit, average length of stay, emergency, management of the patients


Objective: to establish an epidemiological profile of children admitted in the short-stay unit, to describe the different missions and activities carried out, to identify the main pathologies in this unit and to study the relevance of admissions. Materials and Methods: retrospective descriptive study of admitted children in the observation room of the Pediatric Emergencies in Rabat during 2012. The main elements studied were: the age, the sex and the origin of patients, the reason for admission, length of stay, paraclinical tests and medical treatment.                             

Results: the observation room received 9.5% of the Children Hospital of Rabat’s (CHR) admission in 2012. The average age of patients was 4 years 8 months, 39% of which were infants, the average length of stay being less than 24 hours. The most common diagnoses were seizures, poisoning and Pyelonephritis


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