Infertility, Quality of life, Illness perception, IVFAbstract
Aims and Objectives: The aim of this paper is to determine the association between infertility perception and perceived quality of life of women treated with In Vitro Fertilization.
Background: Infertility is characterized by the inability to conceive for a year, despite the ongoing efforts. Studies have indicated that the problem affects the quality of life of women.
Although they did not examined the relationship between the perception of the problem and quality of life of those women.
Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional design
Methods: Eighty women (average age of 31 years), attending the IVF clinic, completed the IPQ-R and Multidimensional QOL questionnaires.
Results: We found significant negative associations between identity, consequences, timeline and causes of the problem components of IPQ-R and the level of perceived quality of life. Specifically quality of life was negatively associated with perceptions of infertility as a problem, longer timeline, the number of symptoms attributed to infertility, emotional representation and the consequences of this problem. Four significant factors were found to explain the quality of life of these women: problem identity; symptom relevance; Perception of problem; and the number of perceived internal causes.
Conclusions: There is a significant impact of the illness perception components on quality of life of women's undergoing IVF treatments.
Relevance to clinical practice: There is rising need for appreciation and recognition of the concept of infertility in women who undergo IVF treatments in order to plan appropriate interventions to improve their quality of life.
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