cervical spine trauma, brain injury, polytrauma, tetraplegiaAbstract
The cervical spine trauma is a frequent and serious lesion involving not only the vital prognostic but also functional. The target of this work was to determinate the epidemiological clinical profile and the issue related to the management of cervical spine traumatism in Madagascar. It was the 3 years retrospective works with 41 cases of the cervical spine trauma hospitalized and supported in a department of neurosurgery and resuscitation at CHU-JRA Antananarivo Madagascar. We included all patients’ records for traumatized cervical spine and incomplete files have been excluded. While the targeted period, 41 cases of the cervical spine trauma has been studied, 24, 39% of traumatized was between 21-30 years old with a clear male predominance of 80, 48% (sex ratio 4, 1). The etiology is dominated by a fall and the majority was of domestic accident (46,34%). The cervical wounded was part of polytrauma, 58, 53 % of the case are brain injury. Clinically, 39, 02% of the patients were tetraplegic and the standard radiograph represented the requested radiological tool in 82.92%. The mortality rate was 21, 95%. The cervical spine trauma remains pathology difficult to manage because of the respiratory risk which requires a managing in reanimation and the prognostic vital is reserved for complete quadriplegics.
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