General Surgery, Prostatic Hyperplasia, Surgical wound infection, Urinary retentionAbstract
Background: Chronic inflammation of the prostate has been observed on prostatic specimen after resection or a biopsy. The aim of this study was to determine the factors that can predict its existence in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and the consequences after open surgery. Method: We carried out a retrospective, observational, transversal study of patients who underwent prostatic adenomectomy in 2017 and 2018 in our department. Specimen with prostatic adenocarcinoma were excluded.
Results: Of 51 operated patients, 31 (60.78%) had chronic inflammation within BPH. The mean delay between the beginning of symptoms and the surgery was 23.14 ± 35.62 months.
Acute urinary retention was the main reason for consultation (78.43%). The mean duration of bladder catheter wear before surgery was 82.41 ± 220.36 months. Postoperative course was uneventful in 26(50.99%) patients. The mean postoperative stay was 5.86 ± 3.42 days. Surgical treatment delay (p = 0.000001), surgical wound infection (p = 0.002) and the length of postoperative stay (p = 0.002) had a significant correlation with prostatic chronic inflammation.
Conclusion: The delay in surgical management was the main predictor of chronic inflammation in BPH. This factor increase the risk of surgical wound infection and an extended of postoperative stay.
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