Work Fatigue, Apron Workers, Noise intensityAbstract
Fatigue is a particular situation accompanied by a drop in efficiency and durability of work. Fatigue showed differences in physical and mental, but all the result caused decrease of power and reduction body's resistance to work. In the apron area, the intensity of noise is quite high due to several types of work that cause noise. Workers will feel fatigue if they are exposed to the noise. In addition, age factors, workload, length of work and years of service are some of the causes of work fatigue in apron workers. This study aims to determine the relationship of age, workload, and length of work, work period, and noise intensity with the fatigue of Apron Section workers at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar. It uses observational analytic research with a cross sectional study approach. The data collection was conducted in against 71 workers as a sample of 242 populations taken using the proportionate random sampling technique. Work fatigue data is taken by using measurement of reaction timer, measurement of pulse, measurement of noise intensity, data on age, length of work and length of service with the questionnaire. The data analysis was univariate and bivariate with chi square test. The results showed that workers who experienced work fatigue were 48 people (67, 6%) and workers who did not experience work fatigue were 23 people (32, 4%).
The statistical test results show that there is a relationship between age (p=0,001) (p˂0, 05), workload (p=0,001) (p˂0, 05), length of work (p=0,001) (p˂0, 05), work period (p=0,001) (p˂0, 05) and noise intensity (p=0,017) (p˂0, 05) with fatigue of Apron Section workers at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport Makassar. The company is advised that the length of work of the workers is according to established standards and to workers to use the Personal Protective Equipment (earplug) provided by the company.
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